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Black & White Shape Recognition Set

£149.99 ex VAT

Set of 4 black and white soft play pieces, each of which carries a separate shape, ideal for babies who focus onto black and white from birth, with visual perception developing into colour gradually. Babies love the high contrast that black and white offers, encouraging them to focus both their eyes and develop depth perception.


Each of the 4 black and white pieces have a shape:

  • Triangle
  • Square
  • Hexagon
  • Circle
Each piece has a velcro flap, which allows it to be connected to other pieces. All pieces 400mm sq. 1 x 300mm block with safety mirror, 1 x Ramp 150mm high, 1 x Step 150mm high, 1 x 40mm mat with safety mirror.
Great for encouraging babies to focus and develop depth perception as its proven they focus more when presented with black and white objects. Visual development is not fully completed until around 2 years.


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